e upkaran login
e upkaran login
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Login – Rajasthan
e–Upkaran. The EMMS is a web based application which deals with the management and maintenance of equipments and instruments from one platform. EMMS focuses on equipment records as their foundation. Equipment records anchor most maintenance tasks and activities. You need to capture different types of information about your assets along with how they are used, where they are located and whether they are in service. Contact Us …
Home [rmsc.health.rajasthan.gov.in]
e–Upkaran. Equipment Maintenance Toll Free Number – 1800-102-4930. The EMMS is a web based application which deals with the management and maintenance of equipments and instruments from one platform. EMMS focuses on equipment records as their foundation. Equipment records anchor most maintenance tasks and activities. You need to capture different types of information about your assets along with how they are used, where they are located and whether they are in service. Go to Login Page …
E-Upkaran – nrhmrajasthan.nic.in
e–Upkaran:Equipment Management and Maintenance System. e–Upkaran (EMMS) is a comprehensive software solution to improve the Inventory Management & Maintenance Services of Equipments in Hospital’s across the Rajasthan. Objectives. To improve access to government facilities through improved Centralized Inventory Management System in the State • Effective Inventory management. • To know status of equipment/instrument on given point of time. …
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E-Uparjan,Computerization of Foodgrain Procurement System
E-Uparjan की प्रोसेस के अंतगर्त ६ स्टेप आती है जिसके द्वारा माल खरीदने,बेचने और परिवहन आदि ऑपरेशन किये जा सके ताकि एक सही योजना बनाई जा सके . AWARDS. Best IT initiative” in Madhya Pradesh for the year 2011-12; CSI – Nihilent eGovernance Award 2011-12 ; Best Government Project in Social …
e-Aushadhi is a web based application which deals with the management of stocks of various drugs, sutures and surgical items required by different district drug warehouses of Rajasthan state. The prime objective of a District Drug Warehouse is to supply drugs to the various medical institutes that are associated with the given district drug warehouse
LOGIN; CDAC HEALTH INFORMATICS SOLUTION. e-Sushrut. Number of Installations Total / On-Board through CDAC : 196 / 130 No. of Patients Served : 35867060. e-Aushadhi . Number of Installations State / National Programme : 18 / 5 Average Daily Transactions : 95546. e-RaktKosh. Number of Installations State & UT : 34 Total Blood Banks : 2110. e–Upkaran. Number of Installations In States : 8 Average Daily Transactions : 8000. SLCMS. Student Lifecycle Management System can support the daily work of …
Utkarsh – Next-gen Learning Platform – IAS |RAS – Welcome to e-Utkarsh
Login Sign Up Reset Password OTP Verification Mobile Authentication Verification Code Set Password close. Welcome to e-Utkarsh. For Online Tests,Videos and Smart e-Books . Your registered Mobile number Enter Password. Forgot Password ? Dont have an account? Sign Up Now/Sign In with OTP. Sign in with Google Sign in with Email. Email Password Forgot Password ? For better experience we are moving to mobile autentication. Get your number verified. Enter your mobile number. We’ll send an OTP to …
किसान कल्याण तथा कृषि विकास एवं उद्यानिक एवं खाद्य प्रसंस्करण विभाग
किसान कल्याण तथा कृषि विकास एवं उद्यानिक एवं खाद्य प्रसंस्करण …
e कृषि यंत्र अनुदान
सहायता केंद्र. Help Desk . दूरभाष क्रमांक : 0755-4935001 वैकल्पिक नंबर : 8109929355
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